Rise Of Digital Asset Popularity

Erik Voorhees, Shapeshift's digital currency exchange founder stated that their volume has gone crazy to handle it gently. 2017 is the best year of Shapeshift exchange, making their growth exponentially because of allowing users to deal on both digital possession like BTC and ether.
Shapeshift has gain trust over the years and part of that success is because of integrating into popular applications of wallets particularly Exodus and Jaxx and also hardware wallets. Hence, the company focuses on what we call altcoin-space, another humongous alternative of Bitcoin on the other side that gained more trust to them. Growth Exponentially
According to Mr. Voorhees on our interview to him, their best month so far was about 20 million USD up to this date and that is just last January which is 30% higher than that of December 2016. Their target also was shifted to double that figure from January in the month of March which they already have 30 million USD.
They were regular in adding new altcoins that requires nothing, passwords or emails and no signing up of accounts either. This process also affects the growth and recent success.
In just about 24 hours of March 13 and 14, they have catered more or less 4,400 customer deal which in total of 3 million USD, the CEO added, which also an operator of the popular Bitcoin game called Satoshidice. The huge volume was moving forward from different currencies such as monero, ether, dash and Bitcoin.
He added that Zcash and Augur were also butt load.
BTC Payments Doubts
Their customer support is working almost no-break due to thousands of in need to process like orders and disputes>, Mr Voorhees explained. The rough road on the process is because of the drama over Bitcoin scaling which is very publicized nowadays causing them to not running smoothly.
Most recent Bitcoin scaling issue was the limit of 1 MB data on bumped volume transaction that made them backlogs for confirmation.
According to him, the delay of transactions in Bitcoin is really frustrating for them and as well as the customers. Notwithstanding when we send exchanges with high expenses, which continue getting higher, our client may not get bitcoin for 60 minutes or here and there a day and it's difficult to foresee early.
Bitcoin installments have turned out to be progressively questionable and costly for Shapeshift. "Those in the Bitcoin people group who are not managing a huge number of client requests every day presumably don't welcome the genuine corruption in Bitcoin utility that has been happening for over a year, and strongly for as long as couple of months".
He includes: "In any case, the computerized resource industry is simply ablaze right now, positively, and it's inconceivable not to be excited with the development over various resources".