Position: Community Director, Factom
Twitter: @colortwits
Nicola Minichiello (Nic) is originally Italian but relocated to London, UK 18 years ago where he works and lives since. Born to get things done, he is an experienced “factotum”, skilled and proficient in many fields. He is currently a VP of Marketing and Communications, a Community Director, a Project and Operations Manager, for some of the top Bitcoin 2.0 projects.
Nic is an active team member at Storj, Factom, Synereo, Swarm, Vanbex Group, and collaborates on a number of other projects. He is a Senior Technology Specialist at the Financial Times where he has worked for over 15 years. An Apple Certified Technical Coordinator with experience in Data Center, Cloud Computing, Video Production, Data Storage, and Media Asset Management. Nic studied Computer Science at the University of Pisa, Italy.
Texas Bitcoin Conference Hackathon Developer Q&A
DriveShare Test Group A Beta Launch - Live with the Storj Team
Tether + Factom Collaboration Announcement
Vaultoro + Factom Collaboration Announcement
Tradle + Factom Collaboration Announcement
Team Member Of:
Bitcoin articles by Nicola Minichiello