GemOS transforms how companies capture, control, and interact with critical data across an industry of connected services via a blockchain network.
Make it Happen
As individuals, our innate sense of agency means we never wait around for something to happen, but actively seek ways to contribute.
Do the Essential
We have the discipline for discerning what is most important, then eliminating everything that is not, so we can make the greatest possible contribution towards the things that really matter.
Empower Others
Our success depends on our ability to make others successful - both our partners and our teammates. When we empower the people around us, their contribution multiplies our efforts.
Destroy Your Masterpiece
We believe in complete dedication to our craft in everything we do at Gem, but we maintain the humility to destroy our masterpiece, and resign our need to be right, when superior solutions emerge.
Craft an Experience
We believe in the importance of a holistic experience, so everything we create must come from both a complete understanding of what our partners need and a vision for what will bring them delight.
Seek Knowledge
Nothing is more intrinsically rewarding than expanding our skillsets and knowledge. By engaging with people who look at the world in different ways, we are constantly challenged to learn from others, as well as share our own knowledge to help them grow.
Venture Capital Rounds
Gem: $7.1 million - Series A
6-Jan-2016 | Financial services
Description: Gem is a blockchain API service, aiming to bring blockchain technology and smart contracts into the mainstream.
Investors: Pelion Venture Partners, with KEC Ventures, Blockchain Capital, Digital Currency Group, RRE Ventures, Tamarisk Global, Drummond Road Capital, Tekton Ventures, Amplify.LA, Danmar Capital, James Joaquin
Headquartered: Venice
Country: United States
Gem: $1.3 million - Second
2-Apr-2015 | Financial services
Investors: KEC Ventures,_First Round Capital,_RRE Ventures, Robert Wolfson
Headquartered: Venice
Country: United States
Gem: $2 million - First
17-Sep-2014 | Financial Services
Investors: Mesa Ventures,_Idealab,_James Joaquin, Crypto Currency Partners
Headquartered: Venice
Country: United States