Position: Co-CEO, Ciphrex
GitHub: @CodeShark
Eric Lombrozo is the Co-CEO and Co-founder of Ciphrex, and a Bitcoin Core developer. Previously, he worked on other Bitcoin-related projects like CoinSurge and RingCoin.
Lombrozo founded Ciphrex with his father, Enrique, in 2013. Together they built the company’s Bitcoin wallet, mSIGNA, which supports offline and multisignature transactions.
- yBitcoin Profile
- Upgrading Bitcoin With Segregated Witness - Epicenter Bitcoin Episode 117
- Bitcoin Core Developer Eric Lombrozo on Misunderstandings in Block Size Debate - Bitcoin Magazine
- Ciphrex CEO Eric Lombrozo discusses the live Segregated Witness test net - Bitcoin Knowledge Podcast
On increasing Bitcoin’s block size:
As far as the block size itself, I don’t think there was much issue with bigger blocks. I don’t think many of the Core developers actually said, ‘No, we should never have bigger blocks.’ I think, for the most part, the idea of having bigger blocks is something that is appealing. We should find a way to have bigger blocks; we all want bigger blocks. But just increasing the blocks by changing a constant in the code presents a lot of very, very serious problems.
On Satoshi Nakamoto:
Satoshi Nakamoto (Bitcoin’s pseudonymous inventor) deserves serious respect for having solved a major problem with computer networks—namely, how to use decentralized consensus to create a trustless peer-to-peer money transfer system. It is very admirable that he was able to implement the idea and prove it out. That has assured him a place in history.